FlexMoney installment loans offer a great advantage over our competitor’s loans – they’re fast. We’re not just talking about how quickly you’ll get your money once you’re approved, but the entire process from start to finish. Many lenders tell you that you’ll have money in your hands quickly, but their process is complicated and slow.

Others are offering you a payday loan, not an installment loan. Certainly, the process for a payday loan can be fast, but beware. These loans are inferior and more expensive when compared to installment loans.

Details on Our Loans

FlexMoney offer installment loans of between $200 and $2,000. As mentioned, they aren’t payday loans, so they will cost you considerably less. If you want concrete examples of the potential costs of our FlexMoney installment loans, please check out our loans page here.

Our installment loans also provide more time to repay than a payday loan and a higher limit too. The maximum payday loan is usually $500 and you need to repay it in a matter of weeks. FlexMoney installment loans offer 12-month repayment and a maximum of $2,000.

Installment loans don’t work like credit cards either. The primary difference is that you pay simple, not compound interest.

What does that mean? When you’re approved for one of our FlexMoney installment loans, we set the interest rate. We also calculate the amount of interest you pay over 12-months based on that rate. We then divide this by the number of payments you will pay over 12 months. That amount and your payments remain fixed throughout the year. More importantly, every payment you make reduces the outstanding balance and also pays a portion towards interest.

However, credit card debt works differently. Unless you pay the entire balance before the end of the grace period, the credit card company charges you interest on the balance. If you don’t pay off your card the next month, you pay interest on the balance outstanding and interest on the interest charged on your last statement. That adds up quickly.

Simple Application Form

FlexMoney is only interested in your recent information, not where you lived, worked, or banked years ago. Consequently, our application form is short and sweet. Most people complete it is less than 15-minutes.

That’s certainly not the case with many other lenders. They may advertise they offer fast loans, but they’re not including the time it takes you to work through their complex application process. Lengthy, complicated application forms are more common than you might realize.

Another thing that some lenders do that definitely slows the loan process is that they start the application process online, but expect you to contact a loans officer or visit their office to finish it.

Luckily, FlexMoney installment loans are totally online. We’ll never ask you to visit an office. We keep things simple.

No Proof of Income

Another reason we are incredibly fast is that you do not need to upload or drop off documents. Our streamlined process is fully automated, including how we confirm how much you earn.

We don’t expect you to dig up old pay stubs, email HR, or ask your boss for a letter confirming how much you earn. Instead, we use digital income verification through bank statements. It is incredibly fast, safe, and effortless.

No Long Wait for a Decision

FlexMoney installment loans do not involve long waits. We respect that your time is valuable.

Compare that to many mainstream lenders that don’t let you know for many hours, or even days. That’s not only frustrating, but completely unnecessary.

Our artificial intelligence system is incredibly quick. Apply at any time from any device and get a decision within minutes.

Easy to Move Forward

If you’re pre-approved for one of our FlexMoney installment loans, you immediately see our no-obligation terms. If you want to proceed with the loan, it is very simple to move forward. Just accept the terms electronically and we will prepare your loan documents for signature.

If you decide not to move forward, no problem. There’s no impact on your credit and you can apply again at any time.

Digital Contract Signing

Once you’ve accepted our terms, we prepare your loan contract. We encourage you to read through the document to ensure everything looks right. If you agree with what you’ve read, just sign the contract digitally. Email it back to us and it will trigger the funds release process.

Fast Funds Release

This is the point where many lenders don’t follow through. You’ve jumped the hoops, signed their papers, and then you wait and wait and wait. That’s not how FlexMoney operated.

In most cases, we have money in your bank account within 24 hours. If you apply on a weekend or holiday, you usually have your funds the next business day.

Other Reasons to Choose FlexMoney Installment Loans

Offering fast loans isn’t enough. A good lender must also offer a good product, great service, and transparency. The following are a few reasons why our FlexMoney installment loans are better than the competitors.

No Fees or Penalties

If you meet your loan obligations, you will only pay interest. Unfortunately, that’s not the case with many others lenders. Some charge unnecessary fees that drive up your costs.

Two of the most common are an origination fee and a pre-payment penalty. An origination fee is a charge for setting up account with the lender. It can range between 0.5 – 8% of your total loan amount. A pre-payment penalty is a cost the lender charges to recoup interest they lose when you pay more than your scheduled payments.

Fortunately, FlexMoney installment loans do not involve either of these costs. We invite extra payments at any time, without penalty. Setting up your account is our administrative expensive, not a cost we expect you to bear.

Artificial Intelligence Assessment

Regrettably, credit is the primary factor most lenders consider when you apply for a loan. In fact, some set a minimum credit score requirement. If your score is lower than that score, you’re automatically turned down.

FlexMoney differs from other lenders, because credit isn’t the only factor we look at when we consider your application. We use an artificial intelligence assessment that looks at many things. A primary decider is your income.

Consequently, if you are paid by direct deposit and earn a steady recurring income, you could qualify for one of our FlexMoney installment loans. That applies even if you are a new borrower, student, or someone with less than pristine credit.

Transparent Requirements

FlexMoney is happy to share what we need to see from you for us to consider your application. That is not the case with most other lenders. Instead, they expect you to fill out an application form and wait.

We invite you to read through the basic qualification requirements for FlexMoney installment loans before you spend time on an application:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Valid and Active Email
  • Phone Number
  • Valid Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
  • Proof of a steady source of recurring income (we consider employment, self-employment, disability, and pension income)
  • Proof of active account with an American financial institution with at least two-months of transactions

Sorry, we can’t help you if you are currently enrolled in an active bankruptcy, consumer proposal, or credit counselling program.

Great Customer Service

Customer service separates good lenders from the bad and so-so. At FlexMoney, we pride ourselves on our friendly, professional service and offer many ways to connect.

First, information on your loan is stored in your online account. If you want to check when you will pay your next payment or when your loan ends, it is all there.

Second, if you have a simple question, but don’t want to bother contacting customer service, you can probably find the answer on our FAQ page. This includes answers to application, qualification, payment, and account queries.

Third, If you want to speak to a representative, we offer a 1-800 number. Our friendly customer service team is here to help. Of course, you can also reach out via email or a website support request. We’ll get back to you quickly.

Apply for FlexMoney Installment Loans Now

If you need money quickly, FlexMoney installment loans are fast. Here’s a quick summary of what we offer:

  • Loans of between $200 and $2,000
  • 12-month repayment term
  • Lower interest than payday loans
  • 100% online – apply 24/7
  • No need to upload documents
  • Less emphasis on credit
  • Fixed interest rate
  • Regular payments
  • No unnecessary fees
  • Decision within minutes
  • Digital document signing
  • Funds in your bank account within 24 hours
  • Multiple customer service options

If you’re looking for an ethical lender, a great product, and outstanding customer service, look no further. Visit our website for more information or to start the application process now. We also offer more information on our US installment loans here.

FlexMoney installment loans are fast. Get yours today.